Quantum Frequency Healing & Aura Scan
Frequencies hold incredible capabilities to heal the mind and body and bring balance to your life. Quantum biofeedback analyzes your aura and energetic body to determine specific stressors in your body and energy field and generates specific frequencies tailored to your energetic needs to provide a state of harmony and balance. With this feedback, I can also create you a custom essential oil blend based on your individualized needs!
This is possible through the latest technological breakthrough in the field of Advanced Biofeedback & Bioresonance. The technology provides a complete energy scan based on your voice and/or image signatures. It uses this data to identify potential imbalances in many aspects of your physical and emotional well-being to provide you with focused rebalancing frequencies to help stimulate your body’s own innate healing and restore harmony in your energy field.
Some examples of things that are scanned include hormones, emotions, pathogenic stressors, energy flow, aura analysis, essential oil and herbal supplement needs, sacred geometry, and much more.
I am always adding new panels to increase the types of analysis we can do for you. We can discuss current options anytime!
*Aura Scan: You will receive a before and after image of your auric field (before and after running frequencies for your energetic field) (All items will be sent via email).
*Aura Scan + Oil Roller: You will receive the aura package above plus a 10mL custom oil roller blend that incorporates the oils identified in the scan that will help support your wellbeing.
*Full Scan (Aura + Body): This Full Scan includes your auric reading and a full body scan analysis including what areas are currently needing support - as well as a custom frequency sound file containing the custom frequencies that are compiled for you based on your scan to support your continued wellbeing. (All items will be sent via email).
*Full Scan + Oil Roller: You will receive the Full Scan listed above plus a 10mL custom oil roller blend that incorporates the oils identified in the scan that will help support your energetic wellbeing.
**For those ordering a custom oil blend, I will always discuss what I intend to include in your blend to ensure you do not have any known sensitivities to the oils or carrier oils.
***If you would like to regularly scan with me, we can discuss reduced pricing plan options as well as an optional app for you to download (for a cost) - this app allows me to directly send your frequencies to your profile in the app.
When purchasing this item you agree to my Health Disclaimer.
*Health Disclaimer: Please never use alternative, complimentary health modalities as a replacement for medical care. Complimentary therapies such as Quantum BioFeedback are intended to be used in conjunction with medical care. These frequencies are NOT intended to diagnose or cure any diseases, rather, they are a supportive modality.
Frequencies hold incredible capabilities to heal the mind and body and bring balance to your life. Quantum biofeedback analyzes your aura and energetic body to determine specific stressors in your body and energy field and generates specific frequencies tailored to your energetic needs to provide a state of harmony and balance. With this feedback, I can also create you a custom essential oil blend based on your individualized needs!
This is possible through the latest technological breakthrough in the field of Advanced Biofeedback & Bioresonance. The technology provides a complete energy scan based on your voice and/or image signatures. It uses this data to identify potential imbalances in many aspects of your physical and emotional well-being to provide you with focused rebalancing frequencies to help stimulate your body’s own innate healing and restore harmony in your energy field.
Some examples of things that are scanned include hormones, emotions, pathogenic stressors, energy flow, aura analysis, essential oil and herbal supplement needs, sacred geometry, and much more.
I am always adding new panels to increase the types of analysis we can do for you. We can discuss current options anytime!
*Aura Scan: You will receive a before and after image of your auric field (before and after running frequencies for your energetic field) (All items will be sent via email).
*Aura Scan + Oil Roller: You will receive the aura package above plus a 10mL custom oil roller blend that incorporates the oils identified in the scan that will help support your wellbeing.
*Full Scan (Aura + Body): This Full Scan includes your auric reading and a full body scan analysis including what areas are currently needing support - as well as a custom frequency sound file containing the custom frequencies that are compiled for you based on your scan to support your continued wellbeing. (All items will be sent via email).
*Full Scan + Oil Roller: You will receive the Full Scan listed above plus a 10mL custom oil roller blend that incorporates the oils identified in the scan that will help support your energetic wellbeing.
**For those ordering a custom oil blend, I will always discuss what I intend to include in your blend to ensure you do not have any known sensitivities to the oils or carrier oils.
***If you would like to regularly scan with me, we can discuss reduced pricing plan options as well as an optional app for you to download (for a cost) - this app allows me to directly send your frequencies to your profile in the app.
When purchasing this item you agree to my Health Disclaimer.
*Health Disclaimer: Please never use alternative, complimentary health modalities as a replacement for medical care. Complimentary therapies such as Quantum BioFeedback are intended to be used in conjunction with medical care. These frequencies are NOT intended to diagnose or cure any diseases, rather, they are a supportive modality.
Frequencies hold incredible capabilities to heal the mind and body and bring balance to your life. Quantum biofeedback analyzes your aura and energetic body to determine specific stressors in your body and energy field and generates specific frequencies tailored to your energetic needs to provide a state of harmony and balance. With this feedback, I can also create you a custom essential oil blend based on your individualized needs!
This is possible through the latest technological breakthrough in the field of Advanced Biofeedback & Bioresonance. The technology provides a complete energy scan based on your voice and/or image signatures. It uses this data to identify potential imbalances in many aspects of your physical and emotional well-being to provide you with focused rebalancing frequencies to help stimulate your body’s own innate healing and restore harmony in your energy field.
Some examples of things that are scanned include hormones, emotions, pathogenic stressors, energy flow, aura analysis, essential oil and herbal supplement needs, sacred geometry, and much more.
I am always adding new panels to increase the types of analysis we can do for you. We can discuss current options anytime!
*Aura Scan: You will receive a before and after image of your auric field (before and after running frequencies for your energetic field) (All items will be sent via email).
*Aura Scan + Oil Roller: You will receive the aura package above plus a 10mL custom oil roller blend that incorporates the oils identified in the scan that will help support your wellbeing.
*Full Scan (Aura + Body): This Full Scan includes your auric reading and a full body scan analysis including what areas are currently needing support - as well as a custom frequency sound file containing the custom frequencies that are compiled for you based on your scan to support your continued wellbeing. (All items will be sent via email).
*Full Scan + Oil Roller: You will receive the Full Scan listed above plus a 10mL custom oil roller blend that incorporates the oils identified in the scan that will help support your energetic wellbeing.
**For those ordering a custom oil blend, I will always discuss what I intend to include in your blend to ensure you do not have any known sensitivities to the oils or carrier oils.
***If you would like to regularly scan with me, we can discuss reduced pricing plan options as well as an optional app for you to download (for a cost) - this app allows me to directly send your frequencies to your profile in the app.
When purchasing this item you agree to my Health Disclaimer.
*Health Disclaimer: Please never use alternative, complimentary health modalities as a replacement for medical care. Complimentary therapies such as Quantum BioFeedback are intended to be used in conjunction with medical care. These frequencies are NOT intended to diagnose or cure any diseases, rather, they are a supportive modality.
The information in this listing is for personal information and should not be taken as professional medical advice or treatment for any condition. Please always consult a healthcare provider prior to using any product from this shop. Consult your healthcare professional about any serious disease, medical condition, or injury, or if you are pregnant, nursing, or planning to become pregnant.
The products and statements on this site have not been evaluated by the US Food & Drug Administration. They are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information found on this site is meant for educational and informational purposes only. These statements are not meant to replace the advice of a healthcare professional.
For external use only. If ingested, seek medical help, call 911, and/or poison control.
The Enlightened Lotus LLC accepts no liability and shall not be held responsible for any injuries, damages, or losses resulting from using products purchased from this shop.